FAQ: Onvesso

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What is Onvesso? 

Onvesso is a leading, global company that provides healthy and sustainable solutions for home design and home living. From architecture and realty to interior design and wellness, our team of expert professionals come together to make your entire home journey a greener one.

In addition to our sustainable and healthy home design and home living services, Onvesso provides free education about the potential of sustainable design to better the health of our planet and its people.

We’re also proudly a woman- and minority-owned small business!

What is sustainable design? 

Simply put, the sustainable design industry designs products, services, and buildings to be more eco-friendly and to improve human health outcomes.

Check out our article, What is Sustainable Design?” to learn more about the industry!

What does “Onvesso” mean? / Why is the company named Onvesso? 

“Onvesso” is a variation of the Italian word “convesso” which describes something that curves outward. We believe that solving outward issues, such as environmental and human health, begins with looking inward—namely inside of our own homes and beings.

Why was Onvesso created? 

Onvesso was created for a number of reasons, including: 

  • To make meaningful progress on pressing world issues, such as environmental justice, minority health, and the global housing crisis. We want to design greener neighborhoods, homes, and lives. We also want to create a more sustainable future—improving the state of our first home (the planet) and our second home (our dwellings).

  • To make the sustainability and wellness industries more inclusive by ensuring our services are affordable and accessible. That way, we can help lessen the barriers that often prevent underrepresented groups from enjoying greener lives and spaces.

  • To help people, whose lives became increasingly home-centric amid the COVID-19 pandemic, find ways to improve their home environments and lifestyle in a way that supports their health and happiness. 

 How did Onvesso come to be? 

  • Our founder had a series of experiences, from witnessing the effects of environmental racism to leading an increasingly home-centric life amid the COVID-19 pandemic, that led her to explore sustainable and well design. This, coupled with her past career as a health communication professional, led our founder to want to create affordable and accessible solutions for green living. Thus, Onvesso was born. 

How is Onvesso designing greener homes and futures?

Onvesso is designing greener homes and futures in several ways: 

  • To reduce its carbon footprint, Onvesso operates as an 100% remote organization. As a completely remote company, Onvesso is able to cut the environmental impact that physical offices and a commuting workforce has on the environment. 

  • Onvesso has sustainably designed each of its services. This means that, from the moment you interact with Onvesso to the delivery of your service and beyond, we have worked diligently to make each step of the process as green as possible.

  • Onvesso has made it simpler to shop eco-friendly and green certified products with our ethical product aggregator, which pulls together a database of environmentally conscious products and sellers that our community can support and use in their home-based wellness journey. 

  • Onvesso hosts annual fundraisers on behalf of environmental and health-focused charities and foundations to contribute to research and advocacy.

  • Onvesso partners with vendors, suppliers, influencers, and organizations that show a true commitment to promoting sustainability and environmentalism in our world. 

  • Learn more about our commitment to sustainability here.

 How is Onvesso improving human health outcomes?

Onvesso is improving human health in several ways: 

  • Sustainability and health are intricately tied together. Healthy environmental conditions lead to better health outcomes. Our sustainability efforts (as listed above) also provide health benefits.

  • Onvesso provides education to the public on common health hazards within their homes and how to prevent or treat them. Additionally, we provide education on healthy home living habits, behaviors, and choices.

  • In Onvesso dwelling assessments, customers are able to report any wellness goals or health circumstances they may have to inform our plans. With that information, we’re able to personalize our solutions to support your health and well-being. [Note: Onvesso wellness solutions supplement, not substitute professional treatment]

  • In our interior design consultation service, our designers readily connect customers to decor and furniture that is non-toxic, chemical-free, and healthily made.

  • Our home mapping services reduce the stress that accompanies a move, making moving a healthier and more enjoyable experience for our customers.

  • Onvesso hosts annual fundraisers on behalf of environmental and health-focused charities and foundations to contribute to research and advocacy.

  • Onvesso partners with a variety of organizations that contribute to providing people with happier, healthier homes such as those that address homelessness, domestic violence, and other issues that prevent access to healthy living environments.  

How is Onvesso expanding equitable access to sustainability and wellness? 

Onvesso is expanding equitable access in several ways:

  • Onvesso follows a five-prong approach that ensures Onvesso services, offerings, and products are tailored to the unique identities, backgrounds, lifestyles, circumstances, and resources of every member of our community.

  • Onvesso provides completely free and educational resources about sustainability and wellness. These resources include our blog, podcast, Home Talk series, and more. This helps ensure that cost is not a barrier to those who may be economically disadvantaged. 

  • Onvesso partners with vendors, suppliers, influencers, and organizations that show a true commitment to improving diversity and inclusion within the industry. 

  • Onvesso implements cost-effective plans into our service model to remove cost as a barrier to access. 

  • Onvesso hires and spotlights specialists who are knowledgable about accessible living and can offer specialized recommendations to those living with physical disabilities.

  • To learn more about our commitments to expanding equitable access, visit out DE&I and accessibility value pages.

What services and/or products does Onvesso offer? 

  • As of 2023, Onvesso’s current portfolio of services, offerings, and products include: 

  • Onvesso’s blog – A place for education, articles, information, interviews and other content regarding sustainable design, wellness, and other relevant topics. 

  • Onvesso’s Homequility podcast – A podcast focused on relevant topics such as wellness, sustainability, interior design, health, and more. 

  • Onvesso’s Home Talk series - A video Q&A series that features a variety of home, wellness, and sustainability experts.

  • Dwelling Assessments – A comprehensive questionnaire about you, your lifestyle, and living arrangements. Once you complete the assessment, Onvesso sends you a personalized plan with solutions, ideas, and resources for you to start your green journey. 

  • Interior Design Consulting – Our interior designers will work with you to help spark eco-friendly ideas for decorating your home, connect you to sustainable, ethical, and non-toxic furniture and décor, and make the home of your dreams a reality.

  • Home Mapping – A comprehensive home mapping service that will help you with everything from finding and closing on the place of your dreams, preparing for the logistics of a move, organizing your current belongings and picking out new ones, and bringing it all together. That way, your move is a stress-free, eco-friendly experience.

  • Ethical Product Aggregator - Onvesso’s ethical product aggregator is a database of various home-related products, such as décor, furniture, and cleaning supplies, that are made ethically, sustainably, and/or with eco- and health-friendly materials. Onvesso does NOT own or make any products in the aggregator. We simply make it easier to find these products in a one-stop-shop.